The Consequences of Drugs and Alcohol

by Kammy Liu

A survey by UNC-Chapel Hill from 1996-2012 shows the effects of alcohol consumption on students. The survey measured the consequences of alcohol consumption among students. Students reported missing class and performing poorly on a test, as well as more serious issues such as taking advantage of someone sexually.

Been arrested for DWI/DUI (0.47)

Driven a car while under the influence (20.12)

Got into an argument or fight (24.83)

Tried to commit suicide (0.52)

Seriously thought about suicide (3.86)

Been hurt or injured (15.41)

Been taken advantage sexually (9.73)

Taken advantage of another sexually (2.55)

Thought "I might have a drinking or other drug problem" (9.02)

Tried unsuccessfully to stop using (3.41)

Performed poorly on a test or important project (17.50)

Missed a class (32.90)

Been criticized by someone they knew (28.94)

Done something they later regretted (37.74)

Had a memory loss (34.74)

Got nauseated or vomited (51.36)

Had a hangover (57.14)